Stephane Moscato aka STF


Opening Saturday 19 March 2016 18.00 to 20.00
Exhibition 19 March to 30 April 2016

Estampes relatives à l'Histoire de France, Tome 75
BnF, Département des Estampes et de la photographie
Bibliothèque nationale de France

Mascarade universelle
Nous donnons en deux aux plus fins
A deviner quels gens nous sommes
Fussent sorciers, fussent devins
Nos masques trompent tous les hommes
Ils en seront eux-mêmes les témoins
Quand le temps leur fera connaître
Qu'en tout nous ne sommes rien moins
Que ce que nous paraissons être.

Le Carnaval perpétuel
Bien des gens sont masqués sans être au carnaval
Soit campagnards, soit gens de villes
De tous sexe, de tous états, tout est habile
A déguiser le vrai, le faux, le bien, le mal
Soit pour tromper, soit pour détruire
Pour se venger ou pour médire.
Chacun dessous le masque des vertus
Tâche à cacher sa fourbe et sa malice
Son ambition, son envie, son avarice Sa haine et se moeurs corrompues
Et quoique déguisé autant qu'on le peut être
Personne néanmoins n'en veut passer pour l'être.

LE CARNAVAL PERPETUEL | 2016 | wall installation | 300 x 600 cm


by Jean de la Fontaine

The reason of those best able to have their way is always the best:
We now show how this is true.

A lamb was quenching its thirst
In the water of a pure stream.

A fasting wolf came by, looking for something;
He was attracted by hunger to this place.

What makes you so bold as to meddle with my drinking?
Said this animal, very angry.
You will be punished for your boldness.

Sir, answered the lamb, let Your Majesty
Not put himself into a rage;

But rather, let him consider
That I am taking a drink of water
In the stream

More than twenty steps below him;
And that, consequently, in no way,
Am I troubling his supply.

You do trouble it, answered the cruel beast.
And I know you said bad things of me last year.

How could I do that when I wasn't born,
Answered the lamb; I am still at my mother's breast.

If it wasn't you, then it was your brother.

I haven't a brother.
It was then someone close to you;

For you have no sympathy for me,
You, your shepherds and your dogs.

I have been told of this.I have to make things even.

Saying this, into the woods
The wolf carries the lamb, and then eats him
Without any other why or wherefore.

> Le Loup et l'Agneau, fable par Jean de la Fontaine

> Der Wolf und das Lamm, Fabel bei Jean de la Fontaine

LE CARNAVAL PERPETUEL | 2016 | exhibition view Gallery Daeppen

No' | 2016 | 117 x 71 cm | stencil on billboard

Ritual of Love | 2016 | 119 x 81 cm | stencil on billboard | private collection






Europa Report | 2016 | 130 x 97 cm | stencil on poster and canvas

Le Justicier | 2016 | 132 x 98 cm | Stencil on billboard

La Mystification du Temps | 2016 | 124 x 87 cm | stencil on billboard

In Case of Emergency | 2016 | 40 x 50 cm | stencil on cardboard and frame | private collection

Black Block Party | 2016 | 29 x 50 cm | stencil on book cover | private collection

Doubble Troubble | 2016 | 31 x 52 cm | stencil on book cover | private collection

Citipati | 2016 | 52 x 31 cm | stencil on book cover | private collection

Le Monde fascinant de la Television | 2015 | 52 x 28 cm | stencil on book and frame

El Capitan - Refugee Welcome | 2016 | 50 x 39,5 cm | stencil on chipboard

L'Etranger | 2016 | 77,5 x 61 cm | stencil on billboard

Aniota, Le Guerrier Climatique | 2016 | 95 x 145 cm | stencil on billboard
> artist of the week Widewalls | 21 - 27 March 2016
> article Widewalls | March 2016

The French based artist, Stéphane Moscato aka STF, tirelessly walks the streets, peeling off whole sections of posters which he then fixes onto canvas in his studio. He then begins a creative dialogue with what he has found, part of a face or colour standing out. He lets himself be guided by the meaning which emerges from these fragments of the street.

Strongly inspired by punk rock culture, he also proposes a social and political commitment which is implicit in his work. An interesting balance with the way he adapts classical mythology in a new narration.

Stephane Moscata will present a new wallpainting installation by Guillaume Daeppen, Gallery for Urban Art in Basel.
Opening, Saturday 19 March 2016 from 18.00 till late.
The artist will be present.