Just Do it | 2003 | 20 x 30 cm | photo

Donatien Veismann
Nostalgic, sexy, provocative, daring, irreverent are some of the words that could be used to describe Donatien Veismann's photography (Paris 1977).

Donatien's work has been shown at various exhibitions and has been published in "Kaiserin" magazine and Butt Magazine,
whilst his more conventional erotic images have been published in various porn magazines.
He has also carried out projects such as "Homopunk Project" or the short film "Mister Nude Punk America" (2007).

His models are not stereotypes of male "perfection", they do not possess perfectly defined abdomens ...
They strike unusual poses. They are men that seem more human and accessible. He explores new forms of expression through the body but without falling victim to the cult of dominance. He steers clear of the tyranny of muscle.
For Veismann, the ideals of beauty changed after the punk movement and he seeks to create his own universe that casts out the established norms of homosexual aesthetics.

His blend of styles include rock, 'queer' - a look that seems to have leapt right out of an 80's fashion magazine, 'do it yourself' in line with punk philosophy and 70's porn and are a far cry from what he calls the 'boring gay culture'.

Many of his photos have a magical, escapist feel with a hint of nostalgia reminiscent of Jack Smith (the first person to present homoerotic fantasies in the 50's). Behind the irreverent and outrageous Donatien Veismann, we find an artist seeking to express “POETIC FUCK or POETICALLY FUCKED-UP or FUCKED-UP POETRY” .

3 boys and one bunny | 2003 | 20 x 30 cm | photo

Born in 1977, Paris
Lives and works in Paris
represented by ENVOY gallery, New York

One person exhibitions:
2008: Envoy Gallery,New-York
2008: The Tomato-ketchup Emperor room,Griesmar-Tamer gallery,Paris
2005 : "Boys'Opera " Show,Viaux Gallery,Hamburg,Germany .

Group exhibitions:
2008: T.A.A.T.I.I ,Griesmar-Tamer gallery,Paris
2007: the Crooked Mirror,Envoy gallery,New-York

2008: Scum Bag Fag Mag,portofolio
2008: Lube Magazine,8 pages portofolio /cover
2007: Kaiserin Magazine,central portofolio, 1st issue
2006: BUTT Book ,Taschen editions .
2006: TETU MAGAZINE,"Bambi 3",10 pages portofolio
2005: BUTT Magazine "Party Poopers",8 pages portofolio ,issue 13
2005: Photographie II Magazine ,"was ist ein gutes Bild ",issue 2005

Video Screenings:
Introduction at CSV Cultural Center /New-York
SLICK-Art /Paris
New-York Gay Film Festival,NEWFEST
British Film Institute ,London /London Gay film festival

more informations:

Pink Cancan | 2004 | 20 x 30 cm | photo

Thomas as Monsieur Bunny | 2003 | 30 x 20 cm | photo

Boy with Spit | 2008 | 40 x 30 cm | photo

Black clown | 2003 | 30 x 20 cm | photo

Boy with petals and spit | 2008 | 40 x 30 cm | photo

John as a soldier | 2007 | 30 x 20 cm | photo

Boy with petals and piss | 2008 | 40 x 30 cm | photo

Ronald and friend | 2004 | 30 x 20 cm | photo