Hilde Kentane
PROPAGANDA oder die Diktatur der Mittelklasse


En prenant des photos, déchiffrant les messages affichés et proclamés partout dans la ville et la banlieue, parlant avec les gens, j'absorbe cette vie "agitado" de cette énorme "booming" ville (Sao Paulo), pleine de paradoxes et de contrastes ... avec une population qui balance entre la pauvreté, fortement influencée par des anciennes valeurs et de nombreuses religions et superstitions et de l'autre coté la forte croissance rapide du capitalisme.

HAVE A REASON TO RETURN TO MARRIAGE: I have been spending quite some time so far in the different neighborhoods, speaking diverse kinds of people, rich and poor. What strikes me is how easy people adopt simple and demagogic messages conveyed to them by all types of societal institutions, be it governmental, religious or private, and behave accordingly. This in shrill contrast with how critical the people are in this part of the world we are used to live in.

The Brazilian government and the real estate companies are campaigning to promote the return to marriage. By interfering in the private lives of the citizens they try to benefit from it by selling homes and mortgages.

Kids, living in very poor conditions, are standing every weekend at the corners of the streets and along the highways with a sign hanging around their neck, promoting these houses. They are a very cheap way of publicity for those companies that are making big profit out of it.

So far my "Propaganda" contribution